"Everything flows" and "It is not possible to step into the same river twice" These phrases of Heraclitus have stuck in my mind since I went to school and have somehow conditioned my way of working.
"Everything flows" and "It is not possible to step into the same river twice" These phrases of Heraclitus have stuck in my mind since I went to school and have somehow conditioned my way of working. He viewed the world as constantly in flux, always "becoming" but never "being". This work represents this constant and incessant movement of becoming through an endless animation in which different kinds of noises mix at different scales. The movement comes from the use of a 3D noise field in which time flows along the third coordinate. This contributes to the feeling of a flowing organic form in constant motion.
Technical specs: Real time endless generative animation HTML, VanillaJS, WebGL (no external libraries) Resolution agnostic, it can render at any resolution and aspect ratio 10 KB 100% on-chain
Traits: Palette: 20 palettes Grid: 0, 1, 2 (no grid, grid A, grid B) Scale: 1 - 4 Detail: 0, 1, 2 (kind of noise at finer scale) Shading: 0, 1 (false, true)